Birth : 25/07/78 in Nancy (54) France

2, rue Botzaris
75019 Paris- France
06 25 61 24 18

Architect :
- Diploma in june 2005 about evolution of housing and living in an amerindian village of French Guyana : Awala-Yalimapo. Directed by Patrice Doat / CRATerre / Architecture high school of Grenoble. more infos on the diploma : www.shantidas.com/cassav

Works :
- Works as full time job for Patrick Rimoux, light sculptor.
- Monitor for the workshop "Color and light" at the Salines Royales (UNSECO) with the teachers Ricardo Castro (Canada) and Kinya Maruyama (Japan).
- 8 months working at the
Atelier d'Architecture Bernard Castieau in Guyana / Saint Laurent du Maroni 2003-2004.
- Light instalations for Patrick Rimoux, light sculptor (for "Danser la ville" in Guyana 2003 and 2004 + "Les écléctiques" in Rocamadour 2004).