In the forest of Chaux, being the energy resource for the Salines Royales d' Arc et Senans, we had to imagine a pavilion with a theme of the century of the enlightement. The theme ( Cosmos and infinite for us) had to be developped for each centuries : XVIII, IXX, XX, XXI

Man entered cosmos and infinite descovering and observing his surrounding, and this project him in space.
He went over there, have seen stuff and touches the elements...
This voyage made him realized how small he was compared to the infinite and cosmos of the beyond
Being back, like upset by this voyage without end, man has changed. He doesn't look at the same way, it is the same reality, but deepest.
Working on the site :
First application to space :

Situation of the pavilion in the forest (30km/15km) and in relation with the 9 other thematic pavilion:
In the forest of Chaux, the pavilion of "Cosmos and Infinite" generates an accretion circle. It is located where the forst is the more deshumanised, far from the great circultion axes. The visitors mind the pavilion by a centripete dynamic, it is a gravity center perceptible at the scale of the pedestrian.
All the particules from the pavilion are calling in different place of the forest the walkers.
At night, the values inverts, the particules are becomming lightning elements which allow all the other pavilion to be in fonction.

Second application to space :
It was a project with 1 other student, 4 months