WOOD WORKSHOP (realization) 

The realisation took place in end april 2002. We had ten days for the construction of the structures, but our have been made in the 2 last days because we had to wait for the constantly delayed arrival of wood. But one morning the truck was here, and everyone helped to be able to finish, even the director of the Salines on the first of May.
The first day was under a burning sun...
And the second was under utter rain 
In the woods...
So, finally, we managed and it was really cool.
In june, we came again at the Salines for the press inauguration where famous publications such as L'architecture d'aujourd'hui , L'humanite, etc etc were here. It was again a very sunny day.
Kinya maruyama, showing to the press how solid were our structures.
Jean Dedolin, the director of the Salines and Gilles Marty, our teatcher from the EAG.
The instalation was made to last initially 6 months, but as the salines royales enjoyed the project, they keep it until end 2004. For it's last year, an artist made special lamps that make the realisation visitable during the night. It give some strong impressions of fire in the woods. Here are pictures from 2004.