Patrick Rimoux is a lightning sculptor from Paris. He realized temporary and durable projects for Johanesburg (South Africa), Liege (Belgium), Cassis, the Salines Royales (France), etc...
I joined his team for 10 days to work on the "Danser la ville" project.

"Fort Ceperou" in Cayenne
This project have been built in coperation with Norma Claire, a Choregrapher native of Guyana, but reconized worldwide. It was 3 days for the fest of Cayenne (biggest city in French Guyana). . . When light is dancing with the city...

The most interesting buildings were illuminated

creating a new network in the city

The dancer are going from buildings to buildings followed by the public

with the fury of the carnival and the magic of the night

The illuminations stayed all of the 3 night, giving the city an unknown face.